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CNY ATD Scholarship Program

CNY ATD established the CNY ATD Scholarship Program to
encourage and support professional development and continuing education in the field of talent development

CNY ATD Talent Development Scholarship

CNY ATD Train-the-Trainer Scholarship

Congratulations CNY ATD Scholarship Recipients!


The CNY ATD Scholarship Program is funded through CNY BEST Silent Auction & Raffle proceeds, Employee Learning auctions,donations and thank you contributions made in the name of CNY ATD volunteers

CNY ATD has been nationally recognized for its CNY ATD Scholarship Program "encouraging and supporting professional development and continuing education in the field of talent development and addressing a need in the local community for financial support for talent development professionals to pursue professional development and continuing education."

“I’m honored to have received this scholarship. The additional knowledge I will gain through this training will prove beneficial to myself and those that our program serves.” Denise MacDougall, 2021 CNY ATD Train-the-Train Scholarship Recipient

“It has been an amazing opportunity. This has been a perfect experience for where I am personally and professionally. Thank you!.” Pamela Gratton, 2020 CNY ATD Train-the-Trainer Scholarship Recipient

“The scholarship allowed me to be introduced to a new forum of trainers and ideas.  It allows me to network and use various tools that I would not have known about otherwise.”  Marlene Reynolds, 2020 CNY ATD Programs Scholarship Recipient

"The CNY ATD Scholarship afforded me the opportunity to pursue my credential as a Certified Professional in Talent Development." Erin Cunia, 2020 CNY ATD Scholarship Recipient


PO Box 6343
Syracuse, NY 13217-6343

Central New York Chapter of 
Association for Talent Development (ATD)

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